
Shosanne Cosplay from Wakfu


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11-28 20:13 Ethan
Not to nitpick or complain but it notes this as being made of a shirt, pants, and hat but the shorts/pants and the rest that come off them and go up and over the chest and neck are one piece. The black cropped top and the puffy white shoulders I believe each are separate pieces as well. Which I think is better seen in this image here when zoomed in to 400% http://staticns.ankama.com/upload/backoffice/direct/2013-03-26/9632c384f6b2d63c9850ac7e6e655655.jpg Also, it mentions 'hat', I believe the chef's hats are bun covers. Which brings me to my last point, there's no wig nor shoes noted anywhere for Shosanne, what of those? I hope to hear something when you are able VuV
11-29 11:31 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Ethan, this is our commission series, so you can request on the material/design/colors, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n