
Super Pochaco Cosplay from Nitro Super Sonic


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11-09 15:50 Mackie
Is it possible that this could be made with a darker/more accurate colour and a smaller apron, like the figure: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b16e22e4b0faad63b88117/t/5397cc5ae4b02d7ea71b98fe/1402457185004/ or this cosplay: http://pre14.deviantart.net/428f/th/pre/i/2015/152/0/d/super_pochaco___beergirl_by_claranugem-d8vns5n.jpg? Thanks!
11-09 19:32 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Mackie, the actual costume is just same as the photo shown; if you'd like to change the color, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n