
Lelouch Cosplay (Zero 2nd) from Code Geass


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01-30 18:03 VioletSerenity88
Hi, how long is the cloak from shoulder to longest edge. Just curious.
01-31 04:03 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello VioletSerenity88, it will reach around the middle part of our calf when we stand up, however, we can change the length for you, please write it in remark box (in order form), and our tailor will adjust it for you.  n_n
*Remark message like 'I want a longer cloak, from shoulder to cloak longest part: xxcm.'
01-03 16:13 TheKid30
Is the cape/cloak blue or black? It seems blue in the picture, but I would rather it be black.
01-03 21:28 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
It is blue. If you want it to be black, please submit a ticket to our support center. Then we can take commission for you.