
Daiki Cosplay from Kurokos Basketball


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09-20 06:08 DT
how much is femael s the second table?
09-20 21:15 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello DT,the size will not affect the price,please don`t worry.Please click 'Get A Quote' & fill in the information box,then click 'submit'.Once we  received your message,our teammates will reply you as soon as possible.Please refer to 'How to ‘Get a Quote’?

09-20 06:06 DT
how much is it???
09-20 21:11 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello DT,please click 'Get A Quote' & fill in the information box,then click 'submit'.Once we  received your message,our teammates will reply you as soon as possible.Please refer to How to ‘Get a Quote’?