
Zack Shoes from Final Fantasy


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12-15 15:41 Michelle Stephens
Hi, this is Michelle, the one who has recently purchased a Zack cosplay outfit and Zack boots from this store. On the email you sent me asking for the height and the caft size I want for the boots, I tried to reply but it wouldn't let me. My email is kinda suckish like that. Anywho, I hope that telling you on here is okay. The caft size is 37cm, and the height I want for the boots is 33cm, starting from the bottom of my heel and going up (obviously). By the way, if you're planning on making the caft skin-tight, could you please not? I need room to stuff the pants inside. Thank you!! :)
12-17 20:20 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hi Michelle, we have got your email and put down your measurements. Thank you for your supporting.^^