Hope Shoes from Final Fantasy XIII


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10-06 06:42 Jack Cowell
How do I work out calf height.
10-06 09:33 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Jack Cowell, do you mean the boot height?  If not, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly, we can attach image in the Support Center.  n_n
11-17 10:47 HopeE
I was wondering if these are comfortable because ya kno theres those some shoes that just arent comfortable but they look epic. Also how durable r these shoes and wuld it b possible to wear them as just regular shoes?? Becuz i love these shoes and since its a from a character its not likely to find them anywhere
11-17 17:56 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello HopeE, these shoes are artificial leather shoes, and we have a specific tailor to make our shoes, the quality is quite good.   If you wear it as normal, you can wear it for many times.  n_n

*For the shoes, we suggest you use a wet cloth to clean it every time after you used it, don't need to wash it. 
