
Maid Costume (149)


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01-25 22:25 coffee
When inputing the measurements for a custom make, does the sleeve length and outside leg length change the outfit or just help with proportion adjustments?
01-26 04:54 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello coffee, they are for our tailors adjust the proportion, the sleeves for this costume is like the photo shown, the dress will reach around the knees when you stand up.  n_n

*When we taking photos, we have put a Pannier under the dress to make it fluffy, you can consider buying a pannier, it fit many costumes.  :)
01-08 14:17 Lunatician
Hey, I think this dress is really cute - But I wonder that if you choose custom size, will the price change or just the time?
01-08 21:42 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hi Lunatician, if you choose the custom size, just the time will bi longer.n_n