
Morris Cosplay from The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore


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07-09 00:30 Fayez
Dear Sir,Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wodeon leg and, with your bald head, you will really look the part.Very truly yours,Acme Costume Co.Now the man is really upset since they have gone from emphasizing his wodeon leg to emphasizing his bald head so again he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint. The next day he gets a small parcel and a note, which reads:Dear Sir,Please find enclosed a bottle of molasses and a bag of crushed nuts. Pour the molasses over your bald head, pat on crushed nuts, stick your wodeon leg up your butt and go as a caramel apple.Very truly yours,Acme Costume Co. ]]>
07-12 23:15 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello  Fayez, what can we do for you? n_n