
Break Costume from Pandora Hearts


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11-18 11:33 rhodestwin 2
one more question......... can the bag carry things like a bag and if it does is it only things that are light like a phone?
11-20 20:18 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
The bag can carry things like phone:)
11-17 13:54 rhodestwin 2
when I order this can I put in the remark box ~ please make the black shirt purple and the bag light brown, also could you make the jacket sleaves 30cm longer so they cover my hands please ~ or should I just contact the support center?
11-17 20:04 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello rhodestwin,yes,you should contact the support center at http://www.cosplayfu.com/support/.